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What's in a name?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where is the leadership we voted for ?

​It is becoming more and more evident that the GRAY administration is lacking the ability to lead. It seems like one thing after another.  I am not sure where it will end up but clearly there is reason to worry.  It seems like every turn and bend offers up some new "mistake or miscalculation or a failure to vet someone that is bring hired. First off was the horrible scandal with the former Chief of Staff, GERRI MASON HALL , followed by  his long time "friend" LORRAINE GREEN.  Most likely Lorraine Green is behind the Sulaimon Brown nightmare. I am  not sure if we will ever get to the bottom of this part 1 of the mess or not.
Then comes appointments to the administration that have left gaping holes in abilities. Those like Bebe Orterio who is simply way in over her heard.  Likely a nice person but coming from a non-profit bringing with her an inexperienced, immature and less than good at what she does is,  Ariana Quinones as a "chief of staff. Which incidentally is immensely over paid for her abilities and her motivation. While I am  at it,  how does one come to the administration in a  high paying job,  at the end of May and get a vacation in July?  What every happened to having to work to earn time off, rather it be with or without pay.  If you want the job, the position, salary, and the responsibility then give up your vacation the first year and earn the time off!
We have a city manager that brought with him people that at best should have been considered baggage and left at the air port.  Names that first come to mind is Tony Robinson.  paid a whopping $120,000 a year,  like Ariana with little follow up skills and a lot less on the ball than one would expect.  Mr. Lew visited Europe this summer while all  along the city was falling a part from things not being addressed. Another over paid, over praised element that couldn't run the school building budget so now we trust him with the daily management of the city. His over spending is one of the biggest reasons we now have so many programs taking cuts in funding and services.

Now let's talk about the left overs!  Laura Nuss left over from the Fenty administration is clearly anything but a shining star in this or any administration.  She lacks tack, presentation and certainly experience in a broad range of issues covering our disabled.  Her expertise I am told,(if there is one) is in the developmentally disabled.  Which is good for a portion of our residents but if your don't fall into that category then you are kind of up a creek without a paddle. Leaving REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION under the former Neil Albert.  Mr. Albert is finally gone as he dug himself a grave and now is off someplace trying to convince another city to hire him so he can create another mess.  He was simply a waste of money, energy and oxygen.  He is probably the scape goat for Nuss's mistakes and inabilities.   But none the less the payroll at RSA has grown considerably and it is concerning.  With all the budget cuts and cut back in services.  It is more and more clear that again we have a lot of people getting big pay checks and little work being done. There are now layers of incompetence where before it was mostly contained to consular and supervisor level.  Now we have Operations Program Manger, and her assistant and another layer or two in between.  So clearly, the money is going into the pocket of those that could care less about the level of service they deliver to the residents.
As this lack of experience and solid leadership continues,  mistakes are rampant and it shows.
With a council that has disgraced themselves with foul language and a political agenda that is both self serving and fruitless,  it is time that citizens become more than engaged.  It is time for each of us to rethink what our objectives are and to take a step to return our government to a body of public servants elected to serve our residents,  not spend with reasoning.
Again, this week we learned of yet another scandal in the office of Tax and Revenue. Not so long after we were promised change, improvements and a safety net that would prevent fraud from inside the agency.  

Crime continues to be fairly decent in the District of late.  Except for the continuing saga of shootings that take place randomly in Ward 4. Gang violence is suspected in most of the incidents of gun fire. Until stricter measures are put  into place and council votes on a drastic change in our laws and how we deal with juvenile crime, repeat offenders and their sentencing,  we will continue to be held hostage to guns, robbery, and killing in and around our neighborhoods. We must elect those with a mindful eye on reform, and the back bone to jump in there and support this revision to our current policy and see that we develop a better mechanism to teach our juveniles right from wrong.  It is up to us as voters to demand to be represented on these and other issues. 
Where is the leadership in our city?  Why do we continue to have scandals in hiring those that are not qualified and in mid level management in so many of our agencies?  We have seen more and more decisions based on who someone is and their personal relationships verses their qualifications,  and them meeting the proper criteria for the position.
We voted for change,  are we getting what we voted for?  Are we represented fairly and thoroughly on these and other issues?
I think it is time for leadership now and for these calloused blunders of the first few months to be put behind us.  Additionally,  let's keep a close eye on the newly revitalized constituent services that our current elected in Ward 4 is serving up.  If I didn't know better I would suggest that it is election time and that her highness is up for re-election and perhaps she has come competition.

Have you looked at the crime statistics in her neighborhood lately?  Crime continues to be a problem in and around the close proximity of our elected leaders house yet very little is ever said about it. We need to re-think our support and our efforts here and be heard,  be represented in Ward 4!


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