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What's in a name?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here is a series of emails that have offered no follow up from Bowser's office on stop signs for Sherman Circle,

Dating back as far as June 6 2010, I engaged Muriel Bowser about pedestrian safety at Sherman Circle, NW.  Not long after a child was struck in the cross walk on the circle,  To date her office has not kept up,  and not offered any positive response from DDOT. Even thought under the former administration they promised to correct the problem of how the signs read.

This is just the last detail of the many emails that went back and forth on the issue.  Councilmember Bowser was involved personally.  
You can read for yourself.  

Your office NEEDS to stay on top on this and push DDOT for a plan now.  Far too much time has already been wasted.
There seems to no follow up from anyone on this unless I find the time to do so.
Please assign someone in your office to keep on this.  Your reasoning more than 2 months ago "that we don't go around putting up stop signs" no longer works.
Best -Keith

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT) <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 4:00 PM
Subject: RE: traffic
To: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
- Show quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Keith Jarrell to ChrisCarlyKimberlyShaneKevinjeffery.maroot.AaronMarkMurielFrancisMichael
show details 06/01/2010

On Jun 1, 2010 2:26 PM, "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov> wrote:
Thanks Aaron.

Chris Davis | Mayor's Office of Community Relations, Ward 4
E-mail: Chris.Davis@dc.gov 
Phone: (...

From: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)
To: Davis, Chris (EOM); Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>; Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL); Bjorge, Mark (DDOT); jeffery.marootian@dc.gov<jeffery.marootian@dc.gov>
Cc: Skidmore, Carly (EOM)
Sent: Tue Jun 01 14:24:18 2010
Subject: RE: traffic 
We have assigned these locations to our safety team. I will follow-up with specifics once the field ...
 Reply to all
Keith Jarrell to keithjarrel
show details 7:39 PM (1 minute ago)

Forwarded conversation
Subject: traffic

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:18 AM
To: "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, francis.hill@dc.gov, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <mbowser@dccouncil.us>

Good morning,
I need to know what is being done to slow down traffic both on Sherman and Grant Circles?
I had a car run the yield sign on Grant this morning and nearly plow into me.
This is happening far to frequently and as I have suggested before something needs to be done.

if this is happening to me with any type of regularity it must be happening to many others.

Can we please move forward on this to assure that everyone's safety is paramount and thought of?
I look forward to hearing back from both 4D and the councilmembers office on this subject and what we can expect and when!

Best -

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
P. J. O'Rourke

Keith Jarrell
Cell (202) 288-1867
Fax (202) 315-2559
From: Whiteside, Michael (MPD) <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:18 AM
To: "keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com" <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>


I have some ideas but what would you suggest from MPD to be most effective method?

(Sent from Blackberry)

Have you heard the knock at your door?
U.S. Census workers are here to assist you with filling out the 2010 Census Form.

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
To: Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)
Sent: Mon May 24 11:18:16 2010
Subject: traffic 

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:49 PM
To: "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>

Good morning Lt.  Whiteside,
I would suggest unmarked cars in various positions around the circle, pulling over motorist that fail to yield and that drive way too fast.
Write tickets and suggest that they stop cutting through, but rather stay on the main roads, such as Georgia Ave.  Most of the abusers are Maryland cars.
DDOT needs to get moving and put up some stop signs, to help out with slowing down things as well.
But a presence from MPD will go a long way I feel in getting the word out that yield signs should be respected.

From: Whiteside, Michael (MPD) <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:01 PM
To: "keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com" <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>

I know it is all hrs but when is there most violators- morning rush hour?

(Sent from Blackberry)

To: Whiteside, Michael (MPD)
Sent: Mon May 24 12:49:30 2010
Subject: Re: traffic 

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:18 PM
To: "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>

Most evident to me during the 8AM - 10 AM time frame.  Evenings seem as bad at times.
From: Whiteside, Michael (MPD) <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:25 PM
To: "keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com" <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>


(Sent from Blackberry)

Sent: Mon May 24 13:18:20 2010
Subject: Re: traffic 

From: Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD) <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 2:28 PM
To: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>
Cc: "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>, "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

Keith, I believe you have been in contact with Lt. Whiteside about this today. I have also copied the Ward 4 MOCR’s Chris and Carly as I recall former Corey LaPlante was looking into this with DDOT

Kimberly Chisley-Missouri
Metropolitan Police Department
Fourth District
6001 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20011

From: Keith Jarrell [mailto:keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 11:18 AM
Subject: traffic

From: Davis, Chris (EOM) <chris.davis@dc.gov>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 2:36 PM
To: "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)" <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, jeffery.marootian@dc.gov
Cc: "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>


Looping DDOT with this email.

Please read the email below. Can you all assist us by looking into the traffic here.

Chris Davis | Mayor's Office of Community Relations, Ward 4
E-mail: Chris.Davis@dc.gov 
Phone: (202) 340-7853

From: Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)
To: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>; Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)
Cc: Davis, Chris (EOM); Skidmore, Carly (EOM)
Sent: Mon May 24 14:28:51 2010
Subject: RE: traffic 

From: Todd, Brandon (COUNCIL) <BTodd@dccouncil.us>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 2:39 PM
To: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>, "Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>
Cc: "Marootian, Jeffrey (DDOT)" <jeffrey.marootian@dc.gov>, "Gold, Judi (COUNCIL)" <jgold@dccouncil.us>, "Todd, Brandon (COUNCIL)" <BTodd@dccouncil.us>

Good afternoon Mr. Jarrell- I know that MPD placed a car at that location previously to monitor. I am also, asking DDOT to provide an update on proposed traffic calming measures.

Brandon T. Todd, MBA | Director of Community Outreach | Office of Councilmember Muriel Bowser| 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 110, Washington, DC 20004| 202-741-0917/direct| 202-664-7594/mobile | 202-741-0908/fax | btodd@dccouncil.us |www.murielbowser.com|

Please remember to call 311 for all your city service requests such as tree trimming and bulk trash removal. Call 911 for all police, fire or ambulance requests.

Would you like to stay informed about Councilmember Muriel Bowser’s events and activities? Click here to sign up for Councilmember Bowser’s Focus on 4 e-newsletter.

From: Keith Jarrell [mailto:keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com
To: Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)
Subject: traffic

Good morning,

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:23 PM
To: "Todd, Brandon (COUNCIL)" <BTodd@dccouncil.us>
Cc: "Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Marootian, Jeffrey (DDOT)" <jeffrey.marootian@dc.gov>, "Gold, Judi (COUNCIL)" <jgold@dccouncil.us>

Yeah well Brandon,  DDOT was brought into the loop on this months ago and has thus far not done anything.
Perhaps the Councilmember can call in a favor and get something moving on this before it becomes a tragedy
It shouldn't be left up to MPD to resolve.  They can't put someone there all the time.
Traffic control, implemented properly would work all the time.

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 4:09 PM
To: "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>
Cc: "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>, "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

Yes Commander and thanks for the follow up.  MPD has always been the sole department that continues to follow up on this situation. As for our elected,  and DDOT,  well they are amiss with the proper mannerisms to do so.
Here's one for 4D and our officers, white shirts and you!!
 I just hate to see some innocent young child hurt or killed by recklessness and a lack of a government that fails to move.

From: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT) <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:24 PM
To: "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>, "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com" <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, "jeffery.marootian@dc.gov" <jeffery.marootian@dc.gov>
Cc: "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

We have assigned these locations to our safety team. I will follow-up with specifics once the field work has been scheduled.

From: Davis, Chris (EOM)
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 2:37 PM
To: Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com; Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL); Rhones, Aaron (DDOT); Bjorge, Mark (DDOT); jeffery.marootian@dc.gov
Cc: Skidmore, Carly (EOM)
Subject: Re: traffic
From: Davis, Chris (EOM) <chris.davis@dc.gov>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:26 PM
To: "Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)" <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>, "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, jeffery.marootian@dc.gov
Cc: "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

Thanks Aaron.

From: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)
To: Davis, Chris (EOM); Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>; Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL); Bjorge, Mark (DDOT); jeffery.marootian@dc.gov <jeffery.marootian@dc.gov>
Cc: Skidmore, Carly (EOM)
Sent: Tue Jun 01 14:24:18 2010
Subject: RE: traffic 

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 3:34 PM
To: "Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)" <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>

Cc: "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>, "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, "jeffery.marootian@dc.gov" <jeffery.marootian@dc.gov>, "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

Can someone offer a time frame now that we might expect an answer on this issue?
If DDOT comes to Sherman circle, durning morning rush hour there can be no question that something needs to be done.
This issue has been in your hands since before April 1st, 2010.

Keith Jarrell
From: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT) <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 4:00 PM
To: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Cc: "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>, "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, "jeffery.marootian@dc.gov" <jeffery.marootian@dc.gov>, "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>

Sure, as soon as it has been scheduled, we will forward specifics.

From: Keith Jarrell [mailto:keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:34 PM
To: Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)
Cc: Davis, Chris (EOM); Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD); Anderson, Kevin (MPD); Hill, Francis (MPD); Whiteside, Michael (MPD); Lamond, Shane (MPD); Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL); Bjorge, Mark (DDOT); jeffery.marootian@dc.gov; Skidmore, Carly (EOM)
Subject: Re: traffic

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 4:22 PM
To: "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <mbowser@dccouncil.us>

Your office NEEDS to stay on top on this and push DDOT for a plan now.  Far too much time has already been wasted.
There seems to no follow up from anyone on this unless I find the time to do so.
Please assign someone in your office to keep on this.  Your reasoning more than 2 months ago "that we don't go around putting up stop signs" no longer works.
Best -Keith

From: Keith Jarrell <keith.k.jarrell@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 6:01 PM
To: "Davis, Chris (EOM)" <chris.davis@dc.gov>
Cc: "Skidmore, Carly (EOM)" <carly.skidmore@dc.gov>, "Chisley-Missouri, Kimberly (MPD)" <kimberly.missouri@dc.gov>, "Lamond, Shane (MPD)" <shane.lamond@dc.gov>, "Anderson, Kevin (MPD)" <kevin.anderson2@dc.gov>, jeffery.marootian@dc.gov, "Rhones, Aaron (DDOT)" <aaron.rhones@dc.gov>, "Bjorge, Mark (DDOT)" <Mark.Bjorge@dc.gov>, "Bowser, Muriel (COUNCIL)" <MBowser@dccouncil.us>, "Hill, Francis (MPD)" <francis.hill@dc.gov>, "Whiteside, Michael (MPD)" <michael.whiteside@dc.gov>

Thanks Aaron.
Phone: (...
We have assigned these locations to our safety team. I will follow-up with specifics once the field ...

Keep a green tree alive in your heart and a songbird may come to sing there.
Chinese Proverb

Keith Jarrell

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