Citizens for Neighborhood -Community Economic Development
After much debate and discussion on this and other list serves on the lack of development in and around the Brightwood neighborhood, and supporting areas of both Petworth and nearby sections of Ward 4. I would like to propose that we convene a series of meetings that include, existing business owners, property owners, future business owners, and members of the Brightwood and Petworth Communities.
Initial meeting to include nominations for The Development Committee that will serve to develop a strategy that is reflective of input from existing businesses, and residents on where they currently see Georgia Avenue and all other business areas of the two above mentioned neighborhoods and what they would like to see both short term and long term with regards to development, and opportunity.
As a group we would canvass the current business to see what they feel would best move their business forward with growth, profit, public safety and awareness. Secondly, we would solicit information from the business property owners to see what options they feel they need for façade improvements, general upgrades to appearance. As well as what tools they need to help them attract prospective business to their vacant store front.
Let’s discuss what types of business and services we would most support and what are needs are as a community but in open dialog so as not to demonstrate harsh negativity toward anyone business or type of business.
The initial meeting would include naming 5-8 key individuals that would design a questionnaire, that would be used in gathering this information. This questionnaire, would then be utilized in a door to door, or store front to store front campaign to make a first round contact with the current owners and property owners.
Followed up by a second meeting to discuss the findings of this group.
Let’s build on what we have, and bring other businesses to the area that would serve our needs.
Is there an interest from those that communicate on this list serve to attend and to participate? Do you have others in mind that might also be interested? Know of a business that would also like to work with us, then invite
If you are interested then kindly forward an email with contact information to me and let’s get started.
I propose the first meeting to be on Monday 6th of June, location to be determined.
As quickly as we see how many participants are interested then I will find a place for us to meet.
Together working with an open mind, and our sights set on improvement we can bring about the badly needed economic impact that our community needs.
I look forward to your response.
Keith Jarrell
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