These past several months have been a real lesson in the clear status of politics in our city. With a less than acceptable example of real ethics reform now on the table for consideration. A continuance of elected officials running to better themselves rather than the services we offer our residents. It is clear that this council and likely the next two will be largely in transition of working to get over the ailments that this last year alone has caused.
With an elected representative that would rather cut ribbons that serve her constituents. A continuation to support other elected members of the council that by standards any place else would be in jail. It should not take any us long to realize that we have a problem. A big problem.
This problem is bigger than any one election can change. The improvements that are needed are drastic and long over due. Improvements that no one elected member of City Council can fuel on their own. But a much stronger engine of change and a new direction of leadership must come from all corners of this city.
My years of serving this community as an activists for many causes teaches me that more can and must be done. Our juvenile justice system is in shambles. Victims has less rights than the perpetrator and families continue to lose their teenagers to gang violence and drugs.
Today, I am withdrawing as a candidate for the Democratic Ward 4 City Council seat which is slated to be decided on April 3rd, 2012, in the Democratic Primary for the District of Columbia.
I wish to graciously thank each and everyone that supported me and that stood with me on the quest to bring positive changes to Ward 4. Your energy and ideas are greatly appreciated. And will not be forgotten. For those that remain in the race, I will carefully place my support behind someone in the future and will vow to work to support change and a more inclusive candidate that will better serve all of those that live in Ward 4.
As I change my path for the future, I challenge each of you to re-consider what this city and our liberty stands for. While many of you continue to vote and participate in a one party system I hope you will step back take a look and come to realize that only through a more open minded approach to who we support and elect can we then expect real change.
We would all be better served to not vote a single party, but vote for the person that best offers a positive change and a vision for a brighter, safer and healthier Ward 4.
The coming days will no doubt bring me in touch with how I see my part in Ward 4 politics in the future. Rather it be a political action committee or setting my sights on a different approach. Rest assured that it has always been a priority to think of our residents first!
The many victims of crime in this city and their families know well that I have worked tirelessly to bring about change to our juvenile justice system and the laws that better protect the perpetrators than the very victims of these many crimes. Our city and our government continues to release juvenile offenders to poorly managed half way houses that allow them to go back to the very streets where they have robbed, assaulted, shot and even in some cases killed before. Leaving everyone of us and even the criminal themselves susceptible to a continuation of crime and disrespect.
I will vigorously work to pursue changes in laws, and management of our juvenile justice system, gang related crime and the seemingly endless ward on drugs in this city.
My Keith Jarrell 2012 web site will remain active in hopes of playing a part in the re-shaping of politics as we know them in both Ward 4 and the District of Columbia.
With an elected representative that would rather cut ribbons that serve her constituents. A continuation to support other elected members of the council that by standards any place else would be in jail. It should not take any us long to realize that we have a problem. A big problem.
This problem is bigger than any one election can change. The improvements that are needed are drastic and long over due. Improvements that no one elected member of City Council can fuel on their own. But a much stronger engine of change and a new direction of leadership must come from all corners of this city.
My years of serving this community as an activists for many causes teaches me that more can and must be done. Our juvenile justice system is in shambles. Victims has less rights than the perpetrator and families continue to lose their teenagers to gang violence and drugs.
Today, I am withdrawing as a candidate for the Democratic Ward 4 City Council seat which is slated to be decided on April 3rd, 2012, in the Democratic Primary for the District of Columbia.
I wish to graciously thank each and everyone that supported me and that stood with me on the quest to bring positive changes to Ward 4. Your energy and ideas are greatly appreciated. And will not be forgotten. For those that remain in the race, I will carefully place my support behind someone in the future and will vow to work to support change and a more inclusive candidate that will better serve all of those that live in Ward 4.
As I change my path for the future, I challenge each of you to re-consider what this city and our liberty stands for. While many of you continue to vote and participate in a one party system I hope you will step back take a look and come to realize that only through a more open minded approach to who we support and elect can we then expect real change.
We would all be better served to not vote a single party, but vote for the person that best offers a positive change and a vision for a brighter, safer and healthier Ward 4.
The coming days will no doubt bring me in touch with how I see my part in Ward 4 politics in the future. Rather it be a political action committee or setting my sights on a different approach. Rest assured that it has always been a priority to think of our residents first!
The many victims of crime in this city and their families know well that I have worked tirelessly to bring about change to our juvenile justice system and the laws that better protect the perpetrators than the very victims of these many crimes. Our city and our government continues to release juvenile offenders to poorly managed half way houses that allow them to go back to the very streets where they have robbed, assaulted, shot and even in some cases killed before. Leaving everyone of us and even the criminal themselves susceptible to a continuation of crime and disrespect.
I will vigorously work to pursue changes in laws, and management of our juvenile justice system, gang related crime and the seemingly endless ward on drugs in this city.
My Keith Jarrell 2012 web site will remain active in hopes of playing a part in the re-shaping of politics as we know them in both Ward 4 and the District of Columbia.
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