What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's special election could be a turning point.

Today's special election could prove to be a turning point for many issues in the District.  One being honesty and integrity.  If voters send Patrick Mara to the at-large council seat this will serve as a resounding call for more openness and transparency. Along with a call to stop the spending and under-performing of  our agencies that serve the most needy residents.  If elected, Patrick Mara will move quickly to become a part of the body and yet have to stand firm on his willingness to bring about change.  Badly needed change to our local government. 

We need someone that will not just fall into line to continue the same old same old.  But step out with new ideas, a fresh approach to so many social issues and introduce legislation that will move our city forward.

Additionally,  Patrick Mara,  easily understands that money doesn't grow on trees.  Just like you and I we must not only balance the budget,  but also curtail spending on frivolous programs programs that are geared to appease just a few residents rather than the majority.

I think today could well be a defining point in District politics and one of those "special elections" that gets talked about for years to come.  The change we all can "really" believe in, perhaps.

I encourage everyone to vote and to make it count.  Stand up for change and change that is badly needed.


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