What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Department of Disability Services amasses mistakes with our most needy

The District of Columbia Department of Disability Services under the Direction of Laura Nuss is amassing mistake after mistake in how they are caring for our disabled residents. With budget cuts looming this agency under Ms. Nuss, is creating very costly mistakes for which the District is likely to be drawn into lengthly legal battles. Ms. Nuss and others are cutting services to some based on underrepresentation of the facts and in a way that is or should be illegal.  Ms. Nuss is going to extreme's in cutting funding for some individuals while all the while her department under her has over spend on services by agencies that are less than qualified for the services they were hired to perform.  Some as it is being reported don't even have a license to do what the District is hiring and paying them to do.  
Laura Nuss as you can see,  clearly no beauty queen with her smirk and unkempt hair style and her clothing looking like she stepped out of the 70's instead of being representative of a Department Director for the National's capital city major department serving 100's of our most needy residents.  Ms Nuss is clearly in way over her head and should be terminated immediately.  
She is both overly eager to be rude and punitive in her demeanor,  and  is using every angle she can to continue her less than acceptable management of this department and the services for our disabled residents.
 As residents we need to demand better management of our agencies and better accountability for those that are so over paid for their experiences and their abilities.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Interesting article by Alan Suderman, on Gray Administration firing of Leon Swain.

Why Was Leon Swain Fired?

The unbribeable Leon Swain, chairman of the D.C. Taxicab Commission, was fired Tuesday by the Gray administration without a mention as to why.
In a news release, Gray officials said that "City Administrator Allen Y. Lewinformed Mr. Swain at close of business April 26 that he would not be reappointed and thanked him for his years of service to the Taxicab Commission and District government." Mayor Vince Gray appointed the commission's general counsel, Dena Reed, as an interim replacement while he looks for a permanent replacement.
Swain tells LL that Lew didn't give him a reason why he was being let go from his $117,000-a-year job, other than the usual boilerplate for awkward firings: “[He] just told me that the mayor was going in another direction.”
But Swain, whose undercover work for the feds a few years ago led to the arrests of 39 people in a massive bribery scheme, says he was given a warning a few months ago that he was not long for the D.C. government.
"This is all Marion Barry," Swain says. "He told me back in January that I was out."
Swain is being shown the door to make room for Novell Sullivan, who served in the same post during Barry's fourth term, according to what Swain says Barry told him.
Sullivan helped the Gray campaign mobilize support from the cab industry during the last election. From an Aug. 1 Post story:
Novell Sullivan, former head of the taxi commission, and other Gray supporters have distributed a letter Gray wrote to the city's 6,000 licensed cabdrivers two weeks ago in an attempt to address their concerns. "I have already tasked my staff with thoroughly reviewing your ideas and possible avenues for collaboration between government and industry on this critical matter," Gray wrote.
Cab drivers came out big for Gray during the primary against former MayorAdrian Fenty, who angered cabbies when he did away with the goofy zoned system that usually left you feeling like you'd been ripped off whenever you took a cab. Swain, who was picked by Fenty to run the commission in 2007, is also not popular with the powers-that-be in the taxi industry.
When LL asked Barry about Swain's remarks, the former-mayor for life responded: "I'm not going to talk to you about that. Goodbye." Barry then hung up the phone.
Swain also tells LL that he never had a single conversation with the new mayor about the taxi industry. LL's got a question in to Gray's office about Sullivan's possible return to glory and will update as necessary.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

District cutting services.........

Don't believe what the Gray Administration is saying about cutting services.  There are people basically being told that your services are being cut due to cuts from the Administration.  There are special needs in this city, unlike any other city and Gray and his comrades are taking extraordinary measures to cut services to some of our most needy.

The District Department of Disability Services is no different.  Those with life altering disability's are having their services cut and they are not being told the truth.

Things are serious,  when a newly elected Mayor and his Agency Directors can do this.  We need leadership not fools running around with erasers!

Gray is letting us all down and for those of us that literally walked the streets with him and listened to his meaningless promises we have been taken!

I include myself in this group!  Sadly,  it is true as we were promised so much and clearly far less is being delivered.  There is no budget deficit,  there is vast over spending from the last administration and now the effects are filtering down. Where was council oversight when Gray was Chairman?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's special election could be a turning point.

Today's special election could prove to be a turning point for many issues in the District.  One being honesty and integrity.  If voters send Patrick Mara to the at-large council seat this will serve as a resounding call for more openness and transparency. Along with a call to stop the spending and under-performing of  our agencies that serve the most needy residents.  If elected, Patrick Mara will move quickly to become a part of the body and yet have to stand firm on his willingness to bring about change.  Badly needed change to our local government. 

We need someone that will not just fall into line to continue the same old same old.  But step out with new ideas, a fresh approach to so many social issues and introduce legislation that will move our city forward.

Additionally,  Patrick Mara,  easily understands that money doesn't grow on trees.  Just like you and I we must not only balance the budget,  but also curtail spending on frivolous programs programs that are geared to appease just a few residents rather than the majority.

I think today could well be a defining point in District politics and one of those "special elections" that gets talked about for years to come.  The change we all can "really" believe in, perhaps.

I encourage everyone to vote and to make it count.  Stand up for change and change that is badly needed.


Monday, April 25, 2011

The evil we knew may have been better than the one we are now getting to know.

At least with Fenty we knew what we had.  For the most part!  We need he was rude and arrogant.  Along with boarder line criminal in some sense of the word.  With Gray we "thought" we had a man that cared.  We thought we had a man with a vested interest in raising the city up to be inclusive of all of those that had done without, or that needed a helping hand.
I think what we have now is a new administration that is wandering around,  looking for their bearings and hoping for a miraculous happening and one that will clear their varied mistakes and wrong doings.   Will it happen?

I am doubting it, and more and more as time passes and I experience working on issues with those that have been appointed by Gray it is clear to me that they need to rethink their strategy.  This administration is showing no care or concern for the less fortunate.  They are instead walking over those that need a lift in life and that are experiencing circumstances beyond their control.

How do you feel about the current status of the new administration? Leave me your thoughts,  share your concerns,  and let's compare our ideology on what Gray campaigned on and what we are really getting for our vote. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mayor Gray's back ground for which he so proudly campaigned is running low on keeping promises

Mayor Gray ran a campaign on his background and his accomplishments including working with those in need and in need of services.  Clearly he has abandoned his past for a new less involved and far less caring Administration that is really turning our needed out into the streets.   The District Department of Disability Services is failing our disabled population by failing to offer services and assistance in several areas.  One being supported employment,  and training.  This is a complete reversal to what Vince Gray ran on.  Now that he is elected,  he has thus far kept Laura Nuss,  the inept director of the Disability Services Administration and  Roy Abert, which is the top person at the Rehabilitation Services Administration.  Roy Albert and Laura Nuss are like two thieves in the night.  They are both under performing and working with an inadequate background and the knowledge to perform their jobs.  Sadly,  those losing now are the disabled which need Supported Employment and other educational opportunities to help them enrich their lives.  Vince Gray should take a hard look at just his administration has not kept their word on how best to help these residents.  It is a shame that we voted for what appeared to be a kind caring man with deep roots in the community and that he has turned out to be calloused and removed from caring what becomes of these individuals.

  It is clear that Gray has become the Mayor without a cause!  

Friday, April 22, 2011

My testimony for today's Budget hearing for the Department of Disability

Good morning Chairman Graham and members of this committee.

Before you today is the task of determining a budgetary needs for The Department of Disability Services and the Rehabilitation Services Administration of the government of the District of Columbia.
I am well versed with these two agencies, their leadership and their many of their staff members.  Their ability to thoroughly understand and respond to the needs of persons living in the District of Columbia with disability is lacking knowledge, insight, politeness and professionalism that every resident is deserving of.  Additionally, I would suggest to you that before any budget is sent for markup this committee should take a hard look at the multi levels of mismanagement and misinformation that lies in the very belly of the beast.  A complete examination should be taken from Director, Laura Nuss, and Roy Albert down.   Including particular,  job performance and ability’s of the counselor level and the seemingly lack of supervisor or mid-level manager that most often is null and void of the simplest methods for such an agency.  With such mismanagement of individual cases you can bet that millions of dollars is being spent on personnel that are not performing to the standards that most state organizations require of their employees.  There is simply no standard in place to assure that residents get the needed services they both deserve and need.  Often complaints go unanswered and when you do get a response it is often late, unqualified, and lacking the results that are merited.  Even more frightening it comes from someone that had no knowledge of the situation first hand and they are then left to read poorly prepared notes and hearsay. Thus, the resident in need lacks the assistance he or she should have had.
This is very important when planning a budget for such a department. The Department of Disability Services and Rehabilitation Services have both held meetings with supporting agencies in this city that both care for and work with persons with disabilities.  These agencies have been told that budgets are being cut; services are being reduced due to monetary shortages. 
When in fact, Chairman Graham, this agency is mismanaging cases and the outcome renders individuals needing services under funded so that a continuation of people at both the consular and supervisor level can continue to be paid for a job far less than acceptable by most standards.    Funding is being spend and has been spend on employees that under perform and lack the proper oversight by the mid-level supervisor that also under performs thus creating a vacuum of large amounts of money being spend on salaries and benefits that really does not go to benefit the very people that need the services the most.    
Services are cut, yet unqualified individuals continue to be paid and offered benefits for doing far less than any other state agency would allow.  This due in part to both poor training, but mainly to mismanagement and both the Director and others to set standards and see that acceptable levels of standards are maintain. 
Thus, before any budget is put into place a hard look should first come to the supervisory level training and the very employees that are in place and how they effectively oversee cases, and the counselors that are in charge of the services that our disabled residents receive. 

There are frightening examples, and conduct of some of these District of Columbia employees is beyond comparison.   This city first recognized and began to talk about mid-level management, mismanagement in the 1980’s and I can only assure you that currently in the Department of Disability Services under the current Director, it continues or has gotten worse.  There are mannerisms put into place that are both unprofessional,  demeaning, and derogatory towards recipients of service by these two agencies as an attempt to lash out to both the recipients and their guardians or caregivers for continuing to require this agency to do their job and to deliver the services that are mandated to be offered.  Often they refuse a service or assistance out of a lack of knowledge and when presented with the facts on the mandate, or direction from the federal level, they eventually change their plan.  They do comply but only after the long task of a lengthy debate and a meeting that usually involves an attorney.  They proving that under trained, under educated management and those in positions of Director and other high level management are simply ill-equipped for the job that they hold and that they are being paid to do.
There is no better resource than our federal government to utilize when attempting to get the needed and deserved services that DDS and RSA is mandated to provide.  Luckily enough for the person that I have been representing and caring for I have been able to deliver the information that DDS/RSA was missing or not equipped with and they have turned their decision to be one that in the end was acceptable.  This should not be the case.  But rather our District government agencies should be staffed and managed by competent individuals capable of doing their jobs without delay and compromise to the needs of the individual disabled resident. 
With funding now as important as ever,  it is very important Chairman Graham that you and your committee take hard look at level of competency first by the Director Laura Nuss and Roy Albert to assure the disabled community that these two are capable of leading an agency with such an arduous chore.   Then and only then is it fair to begin to talk about a budget that ultimately will affect our disabled residents due to the level of or mere existence of services.  Only if you ensure our disabled community that Laura Nuss and Roy Albert are then capable of overseeing these agencies and assuring that the budge details funds where appropriately they should be can you really detail the oversight of such an agency.  Simply put, if the leadership of DDS doesn’t improve and the District government warrants a cut in budget then it should first come from a personnel point of view and not in services administrated to individuals or programs.  Our disabled should not fall victim again.  They should not fall victim to mismanagement and unprofessional demeanor of anyone from the level of Director down to a counselor.  Every disabled resident in the District of Columbia should receive without a long aggravated process the services he or she deserves to receive.  This should be done without bias and without consequences of personal feelings or thoughts toward an individual or care giver.   Having to debate an issue or the legality of a service to a part of the program funded by DDS or RSA is wrong and in and of itself a waste of budget to include payroll, time, and energy when everyone from the Director down, should be fully aware of the responsibilities of the agency and the very mandate that they have to provide for those with a disability.  
There should be no proving one’s eligibility time and time again.   There should be no demand for providing paper work numerous times.  There should be no lapse in services due to a personal approach being given to that individual rather than a well rounded, well trained counselor engaging with the responsibility and a mid level supervisor standing by to interact when such involvement is needed.
Furthermore, those charged with oversight and management of the entire agency should be well equipped with the knowledge and the passion to serve every resident and to not take a biased approach to personal thoughts about the individuals for any reason.  But rather stand ready to serve the residents of the disabled community in a way that they know they are cared for and encouraged to do their best in a society that already is far too judgmental and unaccepting.  The very agency, charged with assisting our disabled should be the first defense against the many perils that any disabled person encounters not part of the problem!
So thus Chairman Graham, and members of this committee I challenge you to first look at the agency and how it serves and then devise a budget that is centralized on serving the community that is was conceived to serve.  Granting every available dollar first to those that need services and setting the highest standards for those paid to serve. 
I thank you for the opportunity to offer my testimony today and trust that what I have said will be on your minds as you move your oversight of this agency forward.  Duty calls to you like never before to resolve the many issues and to fund the services our disabled need and deserve.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is the effectiveness of the Office of Disability Rights (ORD)

ODR ensures that the programs, services, benefits, activities and facilities operated or funded by the District of Columbia are fully accessible to, and useable by people with disabilities. ODR is committed to inclusion, community-based services, and self-determination for people with disabilities. ODR is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the City's obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as other disability rights laws.

Thus far,  emails have not been returned and phone call with messages have not been addressed.  Thus, another city agency under Mayor Gray is not performing up to standards.
Where is our tax dollars going?  What are these Directors and their subordinates doing to earn higher than normal pay checks?

Perhaps Mr. Orr went to school with Ms. Nuss. Neither of them clearly were at the top of their class!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Track the Department of Disability Services

An interesting link into the statistics of this department are clearly indicating that their work performance is failing. Results prove that under Director Laura Nuss,  services being administrated are failing those that need them most.  Read for yourself and determine what I am suggesting here.  With more than 11% of the positions vacant how can this agency be servicing our residents.  With a level of mismanagement and unprofessionalism that clearly marks serious problems,  why isn't Gray doing more?  Why won't senior Gray people sit down and talk about these issues?

Read for your self how this agency is slipping........


DDS leadership lacking skills to deliver services to everyone that deserves them

Why is Laura Nuss still collecting a pay check for her lack luster performance as Director of Disability Services?
We want answers from Mayor Gray.  Laura Nuss, Director The District of Columbia Department of Disability Services, is clearly unprepared to represent the disabled citizens of the District of Columbia and she should be terminated immediately.   Why hasn't Vincent Gray moved to bring in new leadership to a department that he campaigned on knowing the needs of the residents.  Just how much does this administration really care about our disabled residents and the training and support they need to succeed?
It is becoming more and more evident that it is very little!

See the first blog I created on Louie's brain injury and his remarkable recovery

This young man has survived a horrific traumatic brain injury and has over come so many other obstacles in his life.  Infection that was life threatening,  and so much more.  Read this blog and understand why I have to continue my fight to see that he gets all of the services he is entitled to.
The blog below speaks to the heart of the injury that put him where he is today.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Our elected not listening and not responding to the needs of our most vulnerable.

It is becoming more and more clear to me that our elected really don't care about the resident that they serve. Sadly,  with budget cuts and a lack of response from people charged with director a District agency it is a sad day to think that funding for disabled would even be on the table.  Especially from a personal approach and one that embarks on unprofessionalism and rudeness. Mayor Gray should take heed to the call for his administration to listen closer to what the residents are saying.  Mistakes happen but what is happening is clearly no mistake it is moreover a personal attempt to strike out at an individual.  It is mismanagement at all cost.
Read more on what Laura Nuss is doing in her position of DDS and how the Disabled residents of the District of Columbia are being singled out from her office for cuts that should not be taking place.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

I think this says a lot about the state of DC Politics..........

Clearly speaks to the nature of the truth in what DC really needs now.
Love to hear your feed back.

Readers respond:

Although, they are all asking to remain unidentified.  Here is one response I received from my blog posting this morning.  I thank those that have written and have offered your thanks for what I am doing and your additions to what you see that is wrong too.

It's good to see that someone is publicly calling attention to this particular department within the DC Government.  It's not the only DC Government department that abuses our citizens and fails to follow the regulations regarding providing services to people in need of assistance.  The Department of Human Services, particularly the Income Maintenance section, consistently fails to follow regulations and appears to allow people with little authority to make arbitrary decisions in qualifying people for benefits (medical assistance, food stamps, etc.).  This places unnecessary burdens upon clients and advocates to get things straightened out.  Why is it that people who don't work in DC Government agencies know more about the rules and regulations than the ones who are employed in those agencies?  We taxpayers are being cheated.
A couple of months ago I submitted a question to Income Maintenance asking how they weed out nonresidents who are illegally receiving social services from the District.  I had read long ago that they would be checking data bases in an effort to weed out nonresidents.  The response I received was that they don't cross check databases and that, when clients are up for recertification requiring face-to-face interviews, that's when the workers ask them where they live.  So, there are going to be budget cuts in social programs for DC residents at a time when nonresidents are receiving benefits from the District!?

Other concerns;

It is good to hear that others are experiencing problems getting the services they need and deserve as District residents.  Although these have to be confidential because of the nature.  It is frightening to learn that people have medical needs that DC does not handle and that residents need care that they are refused.  Yet our leaders have been demanding funds to pay for abortions. Abortions are avoidable,  for the most part.  But someone becoming ill as a result of a diagnosis of a serious illness comes without any wrong doing or reasoning.
If the District is pulling funding for disabled and failing to not look after the medial needs of our residents then what can we expect to be the next level of services that we lose?

We must remain vigilant on these subjects to assure that our taxes are being used appropriately.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mismanagement at the District Department of Disability Services

Thank you to everyone that has shown interest in this great cause.  I am happy to say that I received an email today from a high ranking United States, Department of Health and Human Services and they are now looking into the complications that we are experiencing with the District of Columbia, Department of Disability Services. They too are concerned at how the situation has been handled and agree that DDS should not be pulling out their funding after having this individual in their system this long.
We must all work to keep situations like this one in the public's eye and to see that is a fair and reasonable resolve.
I will keep you posted.

Best -

An ailing city with departments that are poorly managed: Mismanagement at the District Department of Disab...

An ailing city with departments that are poorly managed: Mismanagement at the District Department of Disab...: "Mismanagement at the District Department of Disability Services For Immediate Release Press Conference Thursday 14 April..."

An ailing city with departments that are poorly managed: DDS leadership lacking skills to deliver services ...

An ailing city with departments that are poorly managed: DDS leadership lacking skills to deliver services ...: "The Director of DDS, Laura Nuss, is lacking the necessary skills to lead an agency charged with providing services to those residents that a..."

DDS leadership lacking skills to deliver services to everyone that deserves them

The Director of DDS, Laura Nuss, is lacking the necessary skills to lead an agency charged with providing services to those residents that are disabled.   Improving employment outcomes  for people with disabilities is beyond the scope of understanding for her harsh approach to management.  The agency is failing and I want answers as to what the Gray administration plans to do to create the proper changes necessary.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mismanagement at the District Department of Disability Services

Mismanagement at the District  Department of Disability Services

For Immediate Release 

Press Conference

Thursday 14 April 2011 7:00 PM, at Sherman Circle, NW 

 Learn facts surrounding mismanagement at the
District of Columbia's
Department of Disability Services
Rehabilitation Services Administration

 How they’re taking actions to pull funding out from under Disabled residents of the District of Columbia. Services are badly needed and well deserved: Supported Employment, Tutoring and Job Training, and other services for the disabled are having the funding cut.

Laura Nuss, Director, District of Columbia Department of Disability Services, and Roy Albert of the Department of Rehabilitative Services Administration are both void of the experience and the skill set to continue in these positions. (Both Fenty Administration holdovers.)  The Department of Disability Services Administration is charged with improving the employment outcomes of people with disabilities. Not tearing down individuals that have proponents that work on their behalf to get the services that this city should deliver without thought.

Sadly, this agency is failing deserving residents and costing the tax payers of the District untold dollars.  They are currently fully engaged in a negative campaign to deny services to a young man that initially was in their system more than two (2) years with no guidance, or assistance whatsoever.  Only after public testimony and guidance from the United States Department of Education, along with legal counsel from the University Legal Services, RSA began to offer some services.   Rehabilitation Services Administration completely failed him from the initial onslaught of this resident's eligibility and are failing him now by notifying him that they will no longer fund his school, supported employment and other services.  This after he has been receiving services for years now.  These services are being denied all of a sudden due to DDS/RSA misinterpretation of the law for legal refugees and those that through the federal government are fully authorized to accept employment. And according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services these services are rightly due this young man and anyone of his residency and status.

This is not due to budget shortfalls or the lack of funding this is an internal decision and one that speaks volume to the degree this department Director, Laura Nuss and others will go to get back at someone that has served as a watch dog over their antics of this agency for years now.  

Today I ask how many residents are in the same situation with no one to advocate for them.  If the Department of Disability Services is failing them, and they are not being represented in Probate Court fully and without prejudice then who is looking over our disabled?

I look forward to bringing this matter to light so that more and more a transparency is provided to allow us all to know exactly what residents are experiencing and just how our taxes and federal dollars are being spent.


Keith Jarrell
Resident of Ward 4


Mismanagement at the District Department of Disability Services

For Immediate Release 

Press Conference

Thursday 14 April 2011 7:00 PM, at Sherman Circle, NW 

 Learn facts surrounding mismanagement at the
District of Columbia's
Department of Disability Services
Rehabilitation Services Administration

 How they’re taking actions to pull funding out from under Disabled residents of the District of Columbia. Services are badly needed and well deserved: Supported Employment, Tutoring and Job Training, and other services for the disabled are having the funding cut.

Laura Nuss, Director, District of Columbia Department of Disability Services, and Roy Albert of the Department of Rehabilitative Services Administration are both void of the experience and the skill set to continue in these positions. (Both Fenty Administration holdovers.)  The Department of Disability Services Administration is charged with improving the employment outcomes of people with disabilities. Not tearing down individuals that have proponents that work on their behalf to get the services that this city should deliver without thought.

Sadly, this agency is failing deserving residents and costing the tax payers of the District untold dollars.  They are currently fully engaged in a negative campaign to deny services to a young man that initially was in their system more than two (2) years with no guidance, or assistance whatsoever.  Only after public testimony and guidance from the United States Department of Education, along with legal counsel from the University Legal Services, RSA began to offer some services.   Rehabilitation Services Administration completely failed him from the initial onslaught of this resident's eligibility and are failing him now by notifying him that they will no longer fund his school, supported employment and other services.  This after he has been receiving services for years now.  These services are being denied all of a sudden due to DDS/RSA misinterpretation of the law for legal refugees and those that through the federal government are fully authorized to accept employment. And according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services these services are rightly due this young man and anyone of his residency and status.

This is not due to budget shortfalls or the lack of funding this is an internal decision and one that speaks volume to the degree this department Director, Laura Nuss and others will go to get back at someone that has served as a watch dog over their antics of this agency for years now.  

Today I ask how many residents are in the same situation with no one to advocate for them.  If the Department of Disability Services is failing them, and they are not being represented in Probate Court fully and without prejudice then who is looking over our disabled?

I look forward to bringing this matter to light so that more and more a transparency is provided to allow us all to know exactly what residents are experiencing and just how our taxes and federal dollars are being spent.


Keith Jarrell
Resident of Ward 4
